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Ratio And Proportion Worksheet - Class 7

1. 30, 40, 45, 60 are in proportion. Mark True / False.

a) True                    b) False

2. 5, 7, 36, 49 are in proportion. Mark True / False.

a) True                    b) False

3. If A : B :: B : C, then B2 = AC. Mark True / False.

a) True                    b) False

4. If A, B, C are said to be continued proportion, then B is known as 2nd proportional. Mark True / False.

a) True                    b) False

5. If A : B :: C : D, then (A × D) ≠ (B × C). Mark True / False.

a) True                    b) False

6. Two numbers are in the ratio 4 : 5. If their LCM is 270, then find the numbers.

a) 120 and 130                    b) 120 and 140
c) 120 and 150                    d) None of these

7. Two numbers are in the ratio 7 : 9. If the sum of the numbers is 800, then find the numbers.

a) 350 and 540                    b) 450 and 530
c) 450 and 250                    d) 350 and 450

8. Two numbers are in the ratio 5 : 7. After subtracting 5 from each of the numbers, the ratio becomes 2 : 3. Find the numbers.

a) 25 and 53                    b) 20 and 30
c) 25 and 35                    d) None of these

9. If a : b = 3 : 5, then find (3a + 5b) : (5a + 7b).

a) 25 : 17                    b) 17 : 25
c) 20 : 25                    d) 27 : 20

10. If a : b = 4 : 5 and 2 : a = 3 : 8, then find the value of b.

a) 15                    b) 110
c) 203                    d) 35

11. Find the value of A, when 2.5 : 8 = 7.5 : A.

a) 25                     b) 10
c) 30                     d) 24

12. Two numbers are in the ratio 7 : 9 and their sum is 192. Find the numbers.

a) 84 and 108                           b) 48 and 108
c) 84 and 180                           d) None of these

13. The ratio between two numbers is 3 : 5. Find the numbers, if their HCF is 11.

a) 3 and 5                           b) 33 and 55
c) 45 and 55                       d) None of these

14. Rs. 600 is divided between A and B in such a way that B gets half of A. Find the shares of A and B.

a) A = Rs. 400 and B = Rs. 100
b) A = Rs. 200 and B = Rs. 400
c) A = Rs. 400 and B = Rs. 200
d) A = Rs. 300 and B = Rs. 300

15. What number has to be added to each term of 3 : 5 to make the ratio 5 : 6?

a) 5                       b) 7
c) 8                       d) 9

16. The mean proportional between 5 and 20 is _____.

a) 11                      b) 8
c) 12                      d) 10

17. The third proportional to 9 and 12 is _____.

a) 15                           b) 16
c) 17                           d) 18

18. A Square field side is 150 m wide. Find the ratio of side's length to it's perimeter.

a) 1 : 4                           b) 2 : 3
c) 1 : 3                           d) 4 : 1

19. If 2A = 3B = 5C, then find A : B : C.

a) 15 : 8 : 6                           b) 15 : 12 : 6
c) 15 : 10 : 6                         d) None of these

20. If 7 : y :: 35 : 55, then y is equal to _____.

a) 10                           b) 11
c) 40                           d) None of these

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