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Class 7 - Properties Of Triangle Worksheet - 3

1. If the measures of the angles of a triangle are (2p)°, (3p − 15)° and (4p − 12)°. Then the value of 'p' is _____.

a) 12                      b) 20
c) 23                      d) 25

2. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5. The measure of the largest angle is _____.

a) 30°                      b) 36°
c) 54°                      d) 90°

3. In a triangle PQR, if 2∠P = 3∠Q = 6∠R, then find the measure of all the angles.

a) ∠P = 90°, ∠Q = 30°, ∠R = 60°
b) ∠P = 90°, ∠Q = 60°, ∠R = 30°
c) ∠P = 30°, ∠Q = 90°, ∠R = 60°
d) ∠P = 60°, ∠Q = 30°, ∠R = 90°

4. In a triangle XYZ, If ∠X − ∠Y = 33° and ∠Y − ∠Z = 18°, then find the value of ∠X, ∠Y and ∠Z.

a) ∠X = 88°, ∠Y = 37°, ∠Z = 55°
b) ∠X = 37°, ∠Y = 55°, ∠Z = 88°
c) ∠X = 37°, ∠Y = 88°, ∠Z = 55°
d) ∠X = 88°, ∠Y = 55°, ∠Z = 37°

5. Find the value of 'x' and 'y' in the below given figure.

Properties of Triangle Worksheet
a) x = 110°, y = 80°°                      b) x = 80°, y = 110°
c) x = 100°, y = 70°°                      d) x = 70°, y = 100°

6. One of the exterior angles of a triangle is 120°, and the interior opposite angles are equal to each other. What is the measure of these two angles?

a) 30°                      b) 36°
c) 54°                      d) 60°

7. Find the value of 'p' and 'q' in the below given figure.

Properties of Triangle Worksheet
a) 50°                      b) 36°
c) 30°                      d) 60°

8. Find the value of 'p', 'q', and 'r' in the below given figure.

Properties of Triangle Worksheet
a) p = 88°, q = 37°, r = 55°
b) p = 80°, q = 40°, r = 60°
c) p = 90°, q = 40°, r = 60°
d) p = 80°, q = 60°, r = 40°

9. In the below given figure, ∠ADB = 90°, AB = 17 cm, AC = 25 cm and AD = 15 cm. Find the value of BD.

Properties of Triangle Worksheet
a) 12 cm                      b) 20 cm
c) 23 cm                      d) 28 cm

10. Find the value of 'p' and 'q' in the below given figure.

Properties of Triangle Worksheet
a) p = 110°, q = 40°            b) p = 140°, q = 110°
c) p = 40°, q = 110°            d) p = 110°, q = 140°

11. In the isosceles triangle, the vertical angle is 30° more than each of its base angles. Find all the angles.

a) 60°, 60°, 60°                      b) 40°, 40°, 100°
c) 50°, 50°, 80°                      d) 30°, 30°, 120°

12. Find the value of 'x' and 'y' in the below given figure.

Properties of Triangle Worksheet
a) x = 60°, y = 90°                      b) x = 80°, y = 90°
c) x = 90°, y = 60°                      d) x = 70°, y = 90°

13. Find the perimeter of a triangle having sides as 15 cm, 12 cm, and 20 cm.

a) 12 cm                      b) 47 cm
c) 27 cm                      d) 28 cm

14. Find the area of a rectangle whose length is 8 cm and diagonal length is 10 cm.

a) 20 cm2                      b) 40 cm2
c) 30 cm2                      d) 60 cm2

15. Find all the angles of an isosceles right-angled triangle.

a) 60°, 60°, 60°                      b) 45°, 45°, 90°
c) 50°, 50°, 80°                      d) 30°, 30°, 120°

16. The difference of the length of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third sites. Mark True / False.

a) True                      b) False

17. A right angled triangle can have same base and height. Mark True / False.

a) True                      b) False

18. Any angles of an equilateral triangle can be 45o. Mark True / False.

a) True                      b) False

19. Every equilateral triangle can be an isosceles triangle. Mark True / False.

a) True                      b) False

20. In a right-angled triangle, the sum of two acute angles is greater than 90o. Mark True / False.

a) True                      b) False

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Properties of Triangle Worksheet-3Download the pdf

Properties of Triangle Worksheet - 1

Properties of Triangle Worksheet - 2

Properties of Triangle Worksheet - 3

Answer Sheet

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