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Class 7 - Rational Numbers Worksheet 2

1. -38 × 0 = _____.

a) 1035                       b) 1235
c) 1135                       d) 0

2. 23 × 57 = _____.

a) 35                       b) 85
c) 1021                    d) None of these

3. Find the additive inverse of −9?

a) 1035                   b) 12
c) 9                         d) None of these

4. The sum of two rational number is -38. If one number is 316, then find the other one.

a) 1035                    b) -316
c) 1135                    d) None of these

5. What should be added to -57 to get 23?

a) -1921                 b) 35
c) 685                    d) None of these

6. The product of two rational number is 10. If one of the numbers is −8, then find the other.

a) -54                    b) 1310
c) 7100                  d) 59

7. By what number should -449 divided to get -113?

a) 2920                  b) 34
c) 3344                  d) 5989

8. Find the multiplicative inverse of 1325?

a) 2513                    b) 13123
c) 68125                   d) 459

9. What is the reciprocal of 1?

a) 1                    b) −1
c) 0                    d) 11

10. What is the reciprocal of −1?

a) 1                    b) −1
c) 0                    d) 11

11. _____ ÷ 23 = 710

a) 2120                 b) 320
c) 815                   d) 409

12. −219 − 6 = _____.

a) -739                   b) -343
c) 817                    d) 58

13. Find the cost of 3metres of cloth at rupees 4012 per meter?

a) 10                        b) 121.5
c) 40                        d) 5

14. A bike is moving at an average speed of 65 km/h. How much distance it will cover in 52 hour?

a) 3                   b) 0
c) 12                 d) 1

15. Simplify (-127 × -1427) − (-845 × 916).

a) 47270                      b) 55450
c) 615                          d) 79478

16. 59 ____ -3-8.

a) >                      b) =
c) <                      d) None of these

17. Find the sum -59 + -45.

a) -1725                    b) 1536
c) -6145                    d) 989

18. Subtract 23 from 49.

a) -29                 b) 54
c) 14                  d) 12

19. 34 = ?-24.

a) −18                  b) −10
c) 23                    d) 2

20. 213 + 435 = _____.

a) 1335                  b) 34
c) 425                    d) 10415

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