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Class 2 Time and Calendar Worksheet - 3

Select the correct answer

1.In February month ____ days are there.

a) 29                               b) 28
c) 30                               d) 31

2. In a leap year ____ days are there.

a) 355                              b) 365
c) 366                              d) None of these

3. How many days are there in February month of a leap year?

a) 29                               b) 28
c) 30                               d) 31

4. How many days are there in the month of May?

a) 28                               b) 29
c) 30                               d) 31

5. ____________ is the first month of the year.

a) January                       b) February
c) March                          d) December

6. ____________ is the last month of the year.

a) January                       b) February
c) March                          d) December

7. There are ________ days in July and August month.

a) 28                               b) 29
c) 30                               d) 31

8. Thursday comes before _______________.

a) Monday                      b) Tuesday
c) Wednesday                d) Friday

9. Tuesday comes after _______________.

a) Monday                      b) Wednesday
c) Thursday                    d) Friday

10. All leap years are divisible by ____.

a) 2                                b) 3
c) 4                                d) None of these

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