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Class 2 Number System Worksheet - 3

Chose the correct answer

1. What comes in between 6872 and 6874?

a) 6870                         b) 6871
c) 6875                         d) 6873

2. What comes in between 7999 and 8001?

a) 800                         b) 8000
c) 8002                       d) None of these

3. 9890 ____ 9982

a) <                             b) =
c) >                             d) None of these

4. 7683 ____ 7000 + 600 + 80 + 3

a) >                             b) <
c) =                             d) None of these

5. 3457 ____ 7 + 40 + 500 + 3000

a) >                             b) <
c) =                             d) None of these

6. Which number is the largest number from the below given numbers?

  1650    1272    2567    3580    3214

a) 3580                         b) 3214
c) 2567                         d) 1272

7. Which number is the smallest number from the below given numbers?

  1650    1272    2567    1180    9214

a) 1650                         b) 1272
c) 9214                         d) 1180

8. Arrange the below given numbers in ascending order.

  1650    1272    2567    1180

a) 1650    1272    2567    1180
b) 1180    1272    1650    2567
c) 1272    1650    2567    1180
d) None of these

9. Arrange the below given numbers in descending order.

  8756    7520    9734    7860

a) 8756    7520    9734    7860
b) 8756    7520    7860    9734
c) 7520    7860    8756    9734
d) 9734    8756    7860    7520

10.Which number is the largest number from the below given numbers?

  8756    7520    9734    7860

a) 7520                           b) 8756
c) 9734                           d) 7860

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