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Class 5 Integer Worksheet- 1

1. The smallest integer is zero, mark True / False.

2. Zero is not an integer, mark True / False.

3. The smallest positive integer is ______.

a) 100                    b) 0
c) 1                        d) None of these

4. On a horizontal number line negative numbers are located on the __________ side of zero.

a) Right                     b) Left
c) Above                    d) Below

5. Opposite of fall in temperature by 5 degree centigrade.

a) -5 degree centigrade
b) +10 degree centigrade
c) Rise in temperature by 5 degree centigrade
d) None of these

6. The greatest negative integer is ________.

a) -100                 b) -50
c) -1                     d) None of these

7. Absolute value of -52 is ________.
a) 52                   b) +52
c) -52                  d) None of these

8. Absolute value of +12 is ________.

a) -12                     b) 12
c) +12                    d) None of these

9. -32 _____ -25

a) <                     b) >
c) =                     d) None of these

10. Positive of a negative integer is __________ integer.

a) Positive                b) Negative
c) Zero                     d) None of these

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Integer Worksheet - 1

Integer Worksheet - 2

Integer Worksheet - 3

Integer Worksheet - 4

Answer Sheet

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