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Class 3 Addition Worksheet - 3

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1. There are 45832 men, 41987 women and 33859 children in a town.What is the population of the town?

a) 98078                           b) 121678
c) 112678                          d) None of these

2. 2342 persons visited a museum on Monday, 2006 persons visited on Tuesday, 1820 persons visited on Wednesday and 4674 persons visited on Thursday. How many persons in total visited the museum in four days?

a) 10842                           b) 11842
c) 9842                            d) None of these

3. In a garden there are 2383 mango trees, 4019 banana trees and 1825 coconut trees. How many trees in total are there in the garden?

a) 9227                            b) 7227
c) 8227                            d) None of these

4. Bob spent $ 68735 in one year on food and clothing. He paid $ 24840 as rent for the house in that year. He saved $ 5357. What was his salary for that year?

a) $ 96932                         b) $ 97932
c) $ 95932                         d) $ 98932

5. John collected 15537 stamps, Bob collected 34509 stamps and Nancy collected 14765 stamps. How many stamps do they have altogether?

a) 64811                            b) 62811
c) 63811                            d) 65811

6. A still plant produced 27845 tons in January, 26234 tons in February and 29007 tons in March. How many tons of still it produced in these three months?

a) 83186                            b) 82186
c) 83086                            d) 82086

7. Five fishermen caught 1345, 1268, 997, 1806 and 758 fishes individually in a day. How many fishes in total did they catch on that day?

a) 6274                             b) 6174
c) 6074                             d) None of these

8. A farmer produced 2887 kg of wheat, 6084 kg of rice and 5059 kg potato in the year 2016. Find his total production for that year?

a) 14030                            b) 14130
c) 14230                            d) None of these

9. During baseball match 18725 men, 15527 women and 5605 children went to see the match. How many persons in total saw the match?

a) 38857                            b) 39757
c) 37857                            d) 39857

10. In a stockyard there are 24558 bags of rice, 1945 bags of wheat and 2950 bags of pulses. How many bags of grains are there in the stockyard?

a) 29453                            b) 29452
c) 29451                            d) None of these

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