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Class 5 Fractions Worksheet - 5

1. Value of equivalent fraction are different. Mark True / False.

a) True                        b) False

2. Value of a mixed fraction is greater than 1. Mark True / False.

a) True                        b) False

3. Change 1457 into mixed fraction.

a) 2059                        b) 2095
c) 2057                        d) None of these

4. Which one is the equivalent fraction?

a) 57 and 1021
b) 57 and 2028
c) 57 and 2542
d) None of these

5. What is the simplest form of 6075?

a) 57                        b) 45
c) 1215                     d) None of these

6. Which fraction denotes this figure?
a) 38                     b) 58
c) 45                     d) None of these

7. Which fraction should be added to 45, so that the result will be 54?

a) 320                       b) 720
c) 920                       d) None of these

8. There are 600 students in a school. 45 of them went to see a cricket match. How many students did not go to see the match?

a) 480                     b) 120
c) 220                     d) 420

9. X is 3 times of Y. If X = 25, then find the value of X + Y.

a) 45                        b) 75
c) 135                      d) 35

10. Which number should be multiplied by 2425 so that the resulting fraction becomes 85.

a) 2                     b) 3
c) 4                     d) 5

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Fractions Worksheet - 1

Fractions Worksheet - 2

Fractions Worksheet - 3

Fractions Worksheet - 4

Fractions Worksheet - 6

Fractions Worksheet - 7

Answer Sheet

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