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Class 3 Time & Calendar Worksheet - 1

Show the correct time

Time Worksheets-1
a) 12:00                        b) 5:00
c) 6:00                          d) None of these

Time Worksheets-2
a) 6:30                            b) 7:35
c) 7:30                            d) None of these

Time Worksheets-3
a) 9:42                            b) 4:42
c) 10:42                          d) None of these

Time Worksheets-4
a) 2:10                          b) 10:10
c) 9:10                          d) None of these

Time Worksheets-5
a) 4:55                           b) 11:42
c) 12:42                         d) None of these

Draw the hands to show the correct time.

6. 7 o clock
Time Worksheets-6

7. 3 o clock
Time Worksheets-7

8. 11 o clock
Time Worksheets-8

9. Quarter past 4
Time Worksheets-9

10. Quarter to 9
Time Worksheets-10

11. Half past 8
Time Worksheets-11

12. 22 minutes past 9
Time Worksheets-12

13. 17 minutes to 11
Time Worksheets-13

14. 11:26
Time Worksheets-14

15.Sunrise happens around 4:45 _____

a) AM                          b) PM
c) AM/PM                    d) None of these

16. Bob take his dinner at 9:30 _____

a) AM                          b) PM
c) Noon                       d) None of these

17. 3 hours after 12:00 noon is _____

a) 2:00 AM                      b) 3:00 AM
c) 3:00 PM                      d) None of these

18. 2 hours before 12:45 AM is _____

a) 11:45 PM                      b) 10:45 AM
c) 11:45 AM                      d) 10:45 PM

19. Convert 5 days 9 hours into hours

  a) 119 hours                      b) 129 hours
  c) 127 hours                      d) None of these

20. Convert 5 hours 45 minutes into minutes

a) 345                      b) 245
c) 445                      d) None of these

21. How many minutes are there from half past 4 to quarter past 5?

a) 25 Minutes                      b) 30 Minutes
c) 40 Minutes                      d) 45 Minutes

22. How many hours and minutes are there from quarter past 5 to half past 8?

a) 2 hours 30 minutes          b) 3 hours 15 minutes
c) 3 hours 30 minutes          d) None of these

23. How many hours and minutes are there from 9:45 PM to 12:30 AM?

a) 3 hours 45 minutes          b) 2 hours 45 minutes
c) 2 hours 30 minutes          d) None of these

24. Every day one gym starts at 6:15 AM and finishes at 12:30 PM. How many hours and minutes does the gym function every day?

a) 5 hours 15 minutes          b) 6 hours 15 minutes
c) 6 hours 30 minutes          d) None of these

25. John takes 2 hour 30 minutes to drive from his home to office. He starts his journey at 10.50 AM. At what time John will reach his office?

a) 1:20 PM                    b) 1:10 PM
c) 1:25 PM                    d) None of these

26. Bob takes 25 minutes 15 seconds to travel to office. While John takes 3 minutes 45 seconds less. How long does John take to reach the school?

a) 20 minutes 30 seconds          b) 21 minutes 35 seconds
c) 21 minutes 30 seconds          d) None of these

27. How many hours are there between 10:30 PM of Sunday and 6.30 AM of Monday?

a) 7 hours                    b) 8 hours
c) 9 hours                    d) None of these

28. How many times the hour hand rotates in one day?

a) 12                   b) 24
c) 2                     d) None of these

29. How many times the minute hand rotates in one day?

a) 120                    b) 60
c) 3600                  d) 24

30. A movie takes 2 hours 35 minutes to complete. It ended at 9 PM. When did the movie start?

a) 6:25 AM                  b) 5:25 PM
c) 5:25 AM                  d) 6:25 PM

31. 3 hour 45 minutes − 108 minutes = ________

a) 1 hour 57 minutes         b) 1 hour 55 minutes
c) 2 hour 57 minutes         d) None of these

32. How many minutes does the minute hand take to move from 2 to 7?

a) 20                  b) 16
c) 26                  d) 25

33. John went to school at 8:30 AM and returned home 12.48 PM. How much time he spent outside his home?

a) 4 hours 18 minutes      b) 4 hours 20 minutes
c) 4 hours 15 minutes      d) None of these

34. How many seconds are there between 11:55 AM and 12:02 PM?

a) 430 seconds           b) 420 seconds
c) 425 seconds           d) None of these

35. 2 hours 30 minutes from now is 11:45 AM. What time it was half an hour ago?

a) 7:45 AM           b) 8:45 AM
c) 8:55 AM           d) None of these

36. If today is Monday, then what will be day after tomorrow?

a) Tuesday            b) Wednesday
c) Thursday           d) Friday

37. If today is Saturday, then what will be day before yesterday?

a) Thursday               b) Friday
c) Wednesday           d) Tuesday

38. How many months have 30 days in a year?

a) 5                       b) 6
c) 4                       d) 3

39. How many months have 31 days in a year?

a) 6                       b) 7
c) 8                       d) None of these

40. Which two consecutive months have 31 days in a year?

a) January & February          b) March & April
c) May & June                       d) July & August

41. Which month has 28 days?

a) January                    b) February
c) March                       d) December

42. Convert 7 months 20 days into days. Hint - Consider 1 month is 30 days

a) 210                     b) 220
c) 230                     d) None of these

43. Convert 15 days 8 hours into hours

a) 348                     b) 358
c) 368                     d) None of these

44. John's birthday is on December 25. Bob's birthday is 7 days before that. When is Bob s birthday?

a) December 17               b) December 18
c) December 19               d) None of these

45. How many sets of 120 minutes are there in 3 days?

a) 35                        b) 36
c) 37                        d) 38

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